Price for using

Der er 4 måder du kan registrerer dig på Publikum, musiker, band og jammaster. For publikum, musikere og bands er det gratis at bruge Faktisk er systemet bygget på en måde hvor du kan optjene bonuser eller ligefrem tjene penge på Det afhænger selvfølgelig af dit aktivitetsniveau og dit musikalske niveau. Som band, eller gearejer kan du måske hjælpe Livemusiksteder eller Planmasters til at arrangerer Plansessions mod betaling. Som planMaster har du - eller står du for et livemusiksted. Du får mulighed for at lave sætlister, oprette billettyper med betaling og du kan oprette din egen Plansession. For at oprette din som Planmaster koster det kr. 199,- pr. måned. og et fee på 9,99kr. pr. musiker som deltager i din plansession.


Audience FREE - Can spend money in app on tickets and offers. You Can follow musicians and see where they perform. - Restricdet acces to systemMusicians FREE - Can earn tokens and walletpionts in system. You can spend money, tokens and wallet points in system on tickets, offers and special Plansessions. You can create numbers and practisesheets for your next plansession or your next rehearsal. - Restricdet acces to system. Upgrade to Musician/band

Musician/Band FEE -

Can earn walletpoint in system and withdraw from the system. You can spend money, tokens and wallet points in system on tickets, offers and special Plansessions. You can create numbers and practisesheets for your next plansession or your next rehearsal. You can create playlists and publish them on your page. You can receive wallet points from other musicians who want to play With you. - Restricdet acces to system. Upgrade to PlanMaster. PlanMaster FEE - Can earn walletpoint in system and withdraw from the system. You can create tokens and transfere walletpoints in system. You can create numbers, playlists and plansessions for your place. You can receive wallet points from audience, musicians and bands. You can and add remove musicians from your playlists, and you Can plan Plansessiontours. and promote livegigs on - Full acces to system.